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2/17/2021 Resources for RHC Startups and Emergency Preparedness:
Thank you for engaging us to assist with the conversion of your physician practice to a rural health clinic. The process is long and will involve pulling together certain documents for various governmental entities which will review the submissions and approve them as we go along. The usual process takes between 6 months to a year to complete all five steps listed below.
1. Preparation and submission of the 855As
2. Preparation for State Inspection including preparing RHC and Emergency Preparedness Policy and Procedure manual.
3. The State or Deeming Authority Inspection.
4. Provider Number (CCN) and Rate Setting.
5. Medicaid Application and Medicaid Rate Setting
Thank you for engaging Healthcare Business Specialists to help you convert your practice into a Rural Health Clinic under the provisions of Public Law 95-210 and qualify for additional reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid. Mark R. Lynn, CPA and Dani Gilbert, CPA will be the primary contacts you have with Healthcare Business Specialists, so feel free to contact us at any time. Here is our Contact Information:
Healthcare Business Specialists - Corporate Telephone: (833) 787.2542 Corporate Email: Corporate Fax: (800) 268-5055
Mark R. Lynn, CPA - Cell Phone (423).243.6185 Email Address:
Dani Gilbert, CPA - Cell Phone (423) 650-7250 Email Address:
We have put together some introductory information in a three-page PDF which will summarize this first Introductory process and we have prepared a letter with RHC summarizes RHC resources that may be useful:
Introduction and First Steps (3-Page PDF with links to Resources and Client Intake Form)
Letter to RHC Startup Clinics with information and resources regarding RHCs (Word)
Letter to RHC Startup Clinics with information and resources regarding RHCs (PDF)
It is important for us to be able to reach out to you with information related to the RHC conversion or RHC status. Please complete the HBS Client Intake Form with clinic contact information so we can update our databases and please join our Facebook Group with approximately 800 members.
Here is the link for the Facebook Group:
Another important step is to have a Kickoff Webinar which will take about 30 to 45 minutes and provide and gives you a chance to ask questions about the process and an opportunity for us to introduce ourselves. Please email us to set up a date and time for the Kickoff Webinar. We have attached a presentation we use to conduct the Kickoff Webinar.
The first hurdle to become a rural health clinic is to submit an 855A and have it approved by the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for your state and pay the $586 (2019) Administrative fee charged by the MAC. Dani Gilbert, CPA will complete the 855A using the information provided in the Questionnaire below. Please prepare this information as soon as possible and return it as this will slow down the process if this questionnaire is not completed accurately and completely. Here is the link to either a PDF or Word version of the 855A Questionnaire:
855A Questionnaire to begin the 855A process. Return to Dani Gilbert (Word)
855A Questionnaire to begin the 855A process. Return to Dani Gilbert (PDF)
Our next step is to start preparing RHC and Emergency Preparedness Policy and Procedure manuals. We need the following questionnaire to be completed and we will prepare the RHC and Emergency Preparedness Manuals from the responses to the Questionnaire.
RHC Policy and Procedure Manual Questionnaire for RHC & EP Policy and Procedure Manual (PDF)
Emergency Preparedness Policy and Procedure Manual Questionnaire (PDF)
We will work with you to determine your compliance with OSHA, HIPAA, and CLIA and the need for manuals to support or implement procedures for compliance in these regulatory areas.
After we complete the Emergency Preparedness Policy and Procedure Manual we will schedule an Emergency Preparedness Tabletop exercise webinar to be conducted during lunch. We would like everyone (as much as possible) to participate in this session. It will last a little over an hour and will include a review of the all hazards risk assessment, EP training, and an Emergency Preparedness Tabletop Drill. Once the Tabletop is completed an After Action Plan will be submitted to the clinic.
About two months before the RHC inspection by the State, AAAASF, or The Compliance Team the clinic should start preparing for the RHC inspection by doing a general cleanup of the clinic and start using forms to document many of the the things the clinic is already doing. We have prepared a checklist with information related to the mock inspection and have included it below. Also, we will come onsite and go over the steps to become a rural health clinic as well as conducting a walk-through of the clinic and going over the listing of items that must be completed for the RHC inspection. Here is the link to booklet on preparing for the RHC survey and a link to a listing of annual requirements for RHC compliance:
Many State Medical Programs have a PPS Rate for Medicaid RHC visits and that PPS rate is based upon a Base Year Cost Report. It is important that all costs are captured during the base year and the accounting is in compliance with Medicare and Medicaid regulations. We have prepared several reports regarding cost reporting and base year reporting and you can find this information by clicking on the links below: